Monday, February 23, 2004

Well I tried to set up the page a bit differently, since I really hated that orange color. I mean dear lord it was ugly. It's ok now but if I ever feel ambitious I'll probably make some more changes to it.

So it's Mardi Gras time in the south, and damn do I hate it. I don't think anyone down here really knows why they are celebrating it. I mean it's just like St. Patrick's Day, just an excuse to get drunk and throw beads at people. So of course I had to go collect algae exactly where they were going to do one of the larger parades in the area. Holy fuck were there alot of people. I mean we drove the entire length of the beach and about a block from a state park is where the end of the rows of cars for parking were. It was hellaous driving, I don't know how many people I almost hit because 1) they were stupid enough to walk in the MIDDLE OF THE FUCKING STREET or 2) they would just decide hey there is a car coming let me step out NOW to cross the street. Insane. So collecting was nice, it was a nice warm day the water was warmer than it was last time we went collecting. One of the people I invited along studied algae at the University of Kiev which was really cool. She went out into the water and knew what she was doing, damn was it a turn on. Unfortunately she has a boyfriend who is russian. But he is out of the state so maybe she might be lonely. Actually I wouldn't do anything, I really don't have the time for a relationship, though it was a turn on collecting algae with her.

We went to the local fort, which is an old spanish fort that protected the bay from invaders. It was the first time I had been out since I had dated Blythe, we went there for my birthday. And it was the first time I had ventured to the far side of the park and actually seen the fort. It was quite interesting. So we went collecting and the water was a bit colder here than it was at the place we were at earlier in the day. There was a little boy playing in the water, and he was soaked to the bone in this cold water. He was playing on the rocks that we were collecting from. He asked me what I was collecting and I said I was collecting algae. And he goes I can find you some and started pointing at random stuff, well his sister, who was just a bit older, maybe 5, asks me why I would be collecting algae. It was the funniest thing because she thought it was disgusting.


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