Saturday, March 06, 2004

One of the Most Disturbing Films

I remember when I was a child there was always that constant threat of a possible nuclear war. If you look at the movie culture during the 80s, even ponder the music (99 Luftballons). There is a prevalent theme of a nuclear war. I remember watching the movie Red Dawn about the Russians invading the US. It wasn't a bad movie, I can't really remember how many times I've seen it. I remember watching television one day for a movie, I almost want to say it is The Day After. I can't remember really, but what I do remember is them showing people actually getting vaporized when a bomb is dropped. I remember clearly being quite disturbed by that scene. Enough so that I will never watch that movie again.

So with this prevalent end of the world themes in main stream culture, it's a wonder that it actually didn't happened. Even with the themes constantly being bombard into our phase. I will always remember where I was when the Berlin Wall fell, I will also remember where I was when Russia declared it was no longer a Socialistic state. I was at my grandmother's in New York, we got a phone call to turn on the news.

I remember living in fear that it could come one day. Hell it was worse when I was younger than it is now with the "color" codes. Of course I may have become more cynical. Now things are being facilitated by our own country just to scare people. I'm not a conspiracy nut or anything but it's pretty damn obvious. Plus we really had it coming, but that's a debate for another time. I do feel that 9/11 was tragic and it's been 3 years almost, but the US did have a retaliation coming, especially with our foreign policy.

So back to one of the most disturbing movies. Threads was made for TV movie that aired in the UK. It's about a town's reactions during the dropping of atomic bombs. It shows them dying from radiation poisoning, starvation and the nuclear winter. It does give nice details about what could have happened. Why is was disturbing?? It was actually quite graphic, I mean people burning and vaporizing. The main character became pregnant right before the bombs were dropped and it showed her giving birth in a stable, and her biting the umbilical cord off. I was at the point of almost vomiting.

It was a great movie but I doubt that I will ever watch it again. Though I do recommend that everyone should view it at least once.

Apparently I am worth exactly: $2,144,082.00.

Just some gimmick website that I filled out. Damn I was hoping to be worth more.
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