Tuesday, April 20, 2004

Funny Happenings

Yesterday I was happily surfing my favorite websites. When I hear the joyous beep of new mail arriving. I gleefully speed my mouse pointer to Outlook Express and look at my Inbox. And lo to my surprise I received an email from an ex-girlfriend. Much to my surprise. I was quite curious about it and clicked it open. It contained only one thing, nary a word, just an image of her getting proposed to by her boyfriend. It was quite a shock, but a delightful one as it caused me much gleeful laughing. Wiping tears of laughter from my eyes I quickly forwarded the message to my friends so they may also get a chuckle, a giggle or even a belly aching laugh like I enjoyed. I paused for a minute to contemplate a response.

Did you say no??
Of course I'm curious as to why you sent this to me. While I'm sure it's a happy momentous occasion in your life. I could really care less. And I don't understand why you would even bother to send this to me. I will say it gave me quite a laugh and will probably amuse me for a few more days. Good luck and don't bother writing me.


Ah, what a chuckle. I've been chuckling over it every now and then. Of course the big kicker is this is the third time this "wondrous" occasion has occurred for her. Which has given me even greater giggles.


I have completed my two presentations. I was supposed to talk for about 20 minutes, unfortunately I talked to quickly and completed them in about half of that time. I hate talking in front of people, well to a certain degree. If I am a teacher it's a bit easier for me, not completely sure why that is. Only a few more days and the semester is over.