Tuesday, May 04, 2004


As of today I am now a Floridian. I have offically changed over my driver's license and registered to vote in the State of Florida. I actually feel different. As if I've severed my ties with my home state. It feels kinda odd, like I didn't want to give up a part of myself. After I returned from the DMV, which I miss the MD one they were so organized and high tech compared to Florida's. Here's a snippet of my conversation with a friend about what happaned to my at the DMV:

[09:57] saxypython: tell me about the floridian dmv
[09:57] Calan075: well there is no expectation of privacy....it's just a single booth and they yell your damn information out
[09:57] saxypython: hehe
[09:58] Calan075: so i'm sitting there waiting for my number to be called...but NO! the fuckers that were calling the numbers decided you know what i feel like sitting around and playing with myself while looking somewhat busy...and then they decide to take this random person who walked up in front of me...i don't think so bitch get a fucking number
[09:58] Calan075: and let me tell you this woman was hit by the ugly tree and then the god damn ugly ground
[09:59] saxypython: HA!
[09:59] Calan075: and then she got up and tried to climb the tree again
[09:59] Calan075: my other thing is anybody in florida can get a license...i mean this old woman was there that could barely walk getting a fucking license!! wtf
[10:00] saxypython: you'd think granny would have a jethro to drive her ass around
[10:00] Calan075: nope
[10:00] Calan075: when i'm that fucking old i want my 20 year old wife to drive me around dman it

That was my adventure in the DMV. I was quite suprised, it took maybe 5 minutes to actually get my license, the rest of the time I was sitting around. I swear the people that run the DMV do this on purpose just to frustrate people!!