Sunday, March 07, 2004

A suggestion to the movie industry

The movie industry worries about piracy. I have a good idea why it is so rampant across the internet. I recently paid 7.50 to go see a movie. I'm not griping about the money, compared to my youth it's about the same, you have to remember as things go up so does the amount of money people usually make.

So I sat down at my seat and eagerly awaited the movie to start. As with tradition there were previews before the film, the lights dimmed. And much to my chagrin there was an American Express commercial. I paid 7 fucking 50 to watch a god damn American Express commercial? There is something seriously wrong with this idea. You don't pay to watch fucking commercials. If I wanted to watch a commercial I would have stayed home, saved my money and watched free TV. So I expected to be over but again I was fooled. They played another damn commercial, these things were eating into my precious life, time I could have spent doing other important actions. I don't need to see how great the new chevy's are, if I really wanted to I'd go to a dealer. Hell I'd drive in my perfectly fine car, and since there are other people here I would assume they came in their own cars. The movie theater should be paying ME money to watch this filth. So two minutes of my life are wasted to never again be usable. Finally one more commercial played, and this one I was fine with. It was a commercial for Coke, totally fine, Coke is served in the fine establishment I went to, and I can see that they want me to buy their product to quench my thirst.

We finally arrive to the previews. I can't believe the hackneyed, cliched movies there are now a days. And unfortunately people laughed at them and so it only encourages the movie industry to produce more crappy movies. I mean how many times can we see the only white guy in an all black movie be made fun of?? Not being racist or anything but it's been done to hell and back.

So a word to the movie industry. If you want to stop piracy:
1) Get rid of the damn commercials. Who the fuck wants to sit through a movie just so we can see commercials that air on TV every damn day?
2) Come up with an original idea. Or if you want to do the same over and over again, don't make 7 films that are exactly the same.


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