Saturday, May 08, 2004


I have officially completed my first semester of my Masters. I am quite disappointed in myself. I reviewed my grades yesterday and I was disappointed with the outcome of them. I received an A, A- and B+ in Algal Phage, Medicinal Botany, and Marine Microbiology respectively. I was so close to straight A's. Let me say how much I have the +/- system. Because of that A- it counts as 3.8 instead of the 4.0, so technically it shouldn't even be an A since it's below a 4.0, so it totally fucks up my GPA, which is a 3.67. It made me want to cry.
What are you going to do for an A?

As the last week of labs was approaching and the ever exciting and frightful final lab practical approached. The day of the exam a student came in early worried about the exam. I told them not to worry it was just like the other one. Though still worried she said she would give me sexual favors for an A. I was quite taken back and caught off guard by her statement. I quickly replied that it would be unethical and I could be removed from school. Of course I thought to myself, maybe but she had a boyfriend and I didn't want to get involved with shit like that. So I recited it to several of my friends and almost everyone looked at me like I went through with it. Which irritated me. Does everyone think I would stoop to something that low? Damn.