Tuesday, May 11, 2004

The World has become Worse

As the human race becomes technologically superior, the social system get worse. With the advent of the Internet, items of import and even items that would scar a normal mind become available to the masses. News is delivered are high speeds. Before news had to wait till 5 and 11 o'clock. Then it became accessible with 24/7 News companies, like CNN and their cohorts. News is now feed constantly into the brain.

The peak was on a fateful day in late summer/early fall. The United States came to a stand still. Everyone was tuned in watching over and over and over and over and over and over and over, as the images bombard our senses. Our need for terror escalated. Every second there was an announce of TERROR! It still predominates today, with hourly topics of the war on TERROR! At the bottom of every screen a color: Today yellow, tomorrow could be orange or even red. Colors that made people and pause and think what happens when it turns red? A simple little color in the corner to inspire more terror.

We have evolved to a community that thrives on terror. With constant reports and threats. We also thrive on death. Stories of humanity and well-being are preempted for stories of death and destruction. We watched the first bombs drop on the city of Baghdad. We watch now soldiers fighting. Recently there surfaced a video of a young man. The video begins with the young man hugging his girlfriend goodbye as she enters an elevator. After the doors close and she begins her descent. The young man removes a small pistol from his jacket pocket and ends his life. This video first surfaced on the porn site before the family could do anything about it.

What is the point of this? Well tonight Tom Leykis asked his audience whether he should post a video on his website. An overwhelming amount of support from his listeners said yes. They just had to see it. You may ask what was this video of? It was a young man by the name of Nicholas Berg, the age of 26, only a few years older than myself. The video showed the brutual beheading of Nicholas. The images have been seared into my eyes. It will be one of those memories I will probably never forget. What was even worse, the video was linked was surrounded by porn. Hardcore porn. The vileness of the poster to surround a scene of violence like this with Hardcore fucking porn.

You may ask why did you watch it? Call it curiousity. Call it looking at the true world. What happens with religious extremists. Not with just Islam, but also any of the religions.

After watching this video, and learning the amount of responses to view it. I quite worry for the future generations. What will the news show to them on a daily basis?


Blogger calandryll said...

Unfortunately I choose to watch it. And it's not of those things that you can unwatch. The worst were his screams. Even if you don't watch it but listen to the audio, it will still haunt you.

7:03 AM  

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